Algomojo – Sending Simultaneous Orders to Multi Clients – ExcelSheet Module and VBA Code

Got frequent requirements from a couple of traders to automate Excel based button trading where with a click of a button one could punch orders in multiple accounts (friends & family).

Designed a simple interface in excel on sending simultaneous orders from the excel application to multiple trading accounts. Code uses algomojo API to transmit multiple orders using the PlaceMultiOrder function.

Supported Broker: Angel Angel Broking, AliceBlue, Firstock, Tradejini, Mastertrust, Zebu
Requirements: Algomojo Login

Download the Excel File

Steps to follow after downloading the Excel File
1)Download the File and Unzip it to the local folder
2)Press Enable Content button as the Security Warning display that Macros have been disabled
3)Sheet Place Order is used to Send MultiOrders
4)Sheet Clients is used to manage multiple clients, API Keys , API Secret Keys

Here are the Angel Broking supported order parameters in the excel sheets

Normal Order (Regular)
Stop-loss order,
After Market Order,
ROBO (Bracket Order)
Market Order(MKT)
Limit Order(L)
Stop Loss Limit Order(SL)
Stop Loss Market Order(SL-M)
Cash & Carry for equity (CNC)
Normal for futures and options (NRML)
Margin Delivery
Margin Intraday Square off (MIS)
Bracket Order (Only for ROBO)
Regular Order
Immediate or Cancel
BSE Equity
NSE Equity
NSE Future and Options
MCX Commodity

Order Parameters

These parameters are common across different order varieties.

tradingsymbolTrading Symbol of the instrument
symboltokenSymbol Token is unique identifier ( can be obtained from Algomojo Watchlist section->Security Info)
ExchangeName of the exchange (BSE,NSE,NFO,MCX)
transactiontypeBUY or SELL
ordertypeOrder type (MARKET, LIMIT etc.)
quantityQuantity to transact
producttypeProduct type (CNC,MIS)
priceThe min or max price to execute the order at (for LIMIT orders)
triggerpriceThe price at which an order should be triggered (SL, SL-M)
squareoffOnly For ROBO (Bracket Order)
stoplossOnly For ROBO (Bracket Order)
trailingStopLossOnly For ROBO (Bracket Order)
disclosedquantityQuantity to disclose publicly (for equity trades)
durationOrder duration (DAY,IOC)

VBA Source Code for Angel Broking

Sub FetchLogin()

Dim Broker As String
Dim Version As String
Dim apikey As String
Dim apisecret As String
Dim apidata As String
Dim numofRows As Integer
Dim i As Integer

Broker = "an"
Version = "1.0"

numofRows = Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
apidata = "{}"

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
    apikey = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "B").Value
    apisecret = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "C").Value
    Limits = AMConnect(apikey, apisecret, Broker, Version, "Limits", apidata)
    Profile = AMConnect(apikey, apisecret, Broker, Version, "Profile", apidata)
    Set ProfileResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(Profile)
    Set LimitsResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(Limits)
    If StrComp(ProfileResponse("message"), "SUCCESS") = 0 Then
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "E") = ProfileResponse("data")("name")
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = LimitsResponse("data")("net")
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = LimitsResponse("data")("availablecash")
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "E") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "F") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = "Login Error"
    End If
End Sub

Sub AlgomojoMulitOrder()

Dim Broker As String
Dim Version As String
Dim ClientID As String
Dim user_apikey As String
Dim api_secret As String
Dim masterapikey As String
Dim masterapisecret As String
Dim variety As String
Dim tradingsymbol As String
Dim symboltoken As String
Dim transactiontype As String
Dim exchange As String
Dim ordertype As String
Dim producttype As String
Dim duration As String
Dim price As String
Dim squareoff As String
Dim stoploss As String
Dim quantity As String
Dim triggerprice As String
Dim trailingStopLoss As String
Dim disclosedquantity As String
Dim MultiplierQty As Long

Dim apidata As String
Dim numofRows As Long
Dim i As Integer

Broker = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "A").Value
Version = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "B").Value
masterapikey = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "D").Value
masterapisecret = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "E").Value
tradingsymbol = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "F").Value
symboltoken = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "G").Value
quantity = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "H").Value
transactiontype = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "I").Value
exchange = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "J").Value
variety = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "K").Value
ordertype = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "L").Value
producttype = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "M").Value
duration = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "N").Value
price = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "O").Value
triggerprice = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "P").Value
squareoff = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "Q").Value
stoploss = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "R").Value
trailingStopLoss = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "S").Value
disclosedquantity = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "T").Value

'clear the table contents of the display output

numofRows = Sheets("Clients").Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
apidata = "{""" & "orders" & """:" & "[ "

stgy_name = "Excel"

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
    ClientID = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "A").Value
    user_apikey = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "B").Value
    api_secret = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "C").Value
    MultiplierQty = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "D").Value * CInt(quantity)
    Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "C") = ClientID
    apidata = apidata & "{""" _
                & "order_refno" & """:""" & CStr(i + 1) & """,""" _
                & "user_apikey" & """:""" & user_apikey & """,""" _
                & "api_secret" & """:""" & api_secret & """,""" _
                & "stgy_name" & """:""" & stgy_name & """,""" _
                & "variety" & """:""" & variety & """,""" _
                & "tradingsymbol" & """:""" & tradingsymbol & """,""" _
                & "symboltoken" & """:""" & symboltoken & """,""" _
                & "transactiontype" & """:""" & transactiontype & """,""" _
                & "exchange" & """:""" & exchange & """,""" _
                & "ordertype" & """:""" & ordertype & """,""" _
                & "producttype" & """:""" & producttype & """,""" _
                & "duration" & """:""" & duration & """,""" _
                & "price" & """:""" & price & """,""" _
                & "squareoff" & """:""" & squareoff & """,""" _
                & "stoploss" & """:""" & stoploss & """,""" _
                & "quantity" & """:""" & CStr(MultiplierQty) & """,""" _
                & "triggerprice" & """:""" & triggerprice & """,""" _
                & "trailingStopLoss" & """:""" & trailingStopLoss & """,""" _
                & "disclosedquantity" & """:""" & disclosedquantity
    If i = numofRows - 1 Then
        apidata = apidata & """}"
        apidata = apidata & """},"
    End If
apidata = apidata & "]}"

PlaceOrder = AMConnect(masterapikey, masterapisecret, Broker, Version, "PlaceMultiOrder", apidata)
Set PlaceOrderResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(PlaceOrder)

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
     If StrComp(PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("message"), "SUCCESS") = 0 Then
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "D").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("message")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "E").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("data")("script")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("data")("orderid")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F").NumberFormat = "0"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "D") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "E") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F") = "Login Error"
    End If

'check multiorder response
'Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(12, "D") = PlaceOrder

End Sub

Private Function AMConnect(api_key As String, api_secret As String, Broker As String, Version As String, api_name As String, InTD As String) As String
    Dim objHTTP As Object
    Dim result As String
    Dim postdate As String
    Dim BrkPrefix As String
    Dim BaseURL As String
    BaseURL = "https://" & LCase(Broker) & "" & Version & "/"
    postdata = "{""" & "api_key" & """:""" & api_key & """,""" _
                    & "api_secret" & """:""" & api_secret & """,""" _
                    & "data" & """:" & InTD & "}"
    'MsgBox (postdata)
    Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    Url = BaseURL & api_name
    objHTTP.Open "POST", Url, False
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/json"
    objHTTP.send (postdata)
    result = objHTTP.responseText
    Set objHTTP = Nothing
    AMConnect = result
End Function

VBA Source Code for Aliceblue, Zebu, Tradejini, Mastertrust

Sub FetchLogin()

Dim Broker As String
Dim Version As String
Dim uid As String
Dim apikey As String
Dim apisecret As String
Dim apidata As String
Dim segment As String
Dim Exchange As String
Dim product As String
Dim numofRows As Integer
Dim i As Integer

Version = "1.0"
segment = "ALL"
Exchange = ""
product = ""

numofRows = Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
    Broker = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "A").Value
    uid = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "B").Value
    apikey = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "C").Value
    apisecret = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "D").Value
    apidata = "{""" _
                & "uid" & """:""" & uid & """,""" _
                & "actid" & """:""" & uid & """,""" _
                & "segment" & """:""" & segment & """,""" _
                & "Exchange" & """:""" & Exchange & """,""" _
                & "product" & """:""" & product & """" _
                & "}"

    Limits = AMConnect(apikey, apisecret, Broker, Version, "Limits", apidata)
    'MsgBox (Limits)
    Set LimitsResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(Limits)
    If StrComp(LimitsResponse("stat"), "Ok") = 0 Then
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "F") = LimitsResponse("OpeningBalance")
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = LimitsResponse("Netcashavailable")
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "H") = LimitsResponse("turnover")
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "F") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "H") = "Login Error"
    End If
End Sub

Sub AlgomojoMulitOrder()

Dim Broker As String
Dim Version As String
Dim ClientID As String
Dim user_apikey As String
Dim api_secret As String
Dim masterapikey As String
Dim masterapisecret As String
Dim s_prdt_ali As String
Dim Tsym As String
Dim exch As String
Dim Ttranstype As String
Dim Ret As String
Dim prctyp As String
Dim qty As String
Dim discqty As String
Dim MktPro As String
Dim Price As String
Dim TrigPrice As String
Dim Pcode As String
Dim AMO As String
Dim MultiplierQty As Long

Dim apidata As String
Dim numofRows As Long
Dim i As Integer

s_prdt_ali = "BO:BO||CNC:CNC||CO:CO||MIS:MIS||NRML:NRML"
MktPro = "NA"
discqty = "0"
AMO = "NO"

Broker = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "A").Value
Version = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "B").Value
masterapikey = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "D").Value
masterapisecret = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "E").Value
Tsym = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "F").Value
qty = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "G").Value
Ttranstype = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "H").Value
exch = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "I").Value
Pcode = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "J").Value
prctyp = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "K").Value
Ret = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "L").Value
Price = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "M").Value
TrigPrice = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "N").Value
discqty = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "O").Value

'clear the table contents of the display output

numofRows = Sheets("Clients").Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
apidata = "{""" & "orders" & """:" & "[ "

stgy_name = "Excel"

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
    ClientID = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "B").Value
    user_apikey = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "C").Value
    api_secret = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "D").Value
    MultiplierQty = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "E").Value * CInt(qty)
    Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "C") = ClientID
    apidata = apidata & "{""" _
                & "order_refno" & """:""" & CStr(i + 1) & """,""" _
                & "user_apikey" & """:""" & user_apikey & """,""" _
                & "api_secret" & """:""" & api_secret & """,""" _
                & "stgy_name" & """:""" & stgy_name & """,""" _
                & "s_prdt_ali" & """:""" & s_prdt_ali & """,""" _
                & "Tsym" & """:""" & Tsym & """,""" _
                & "exch" & """:""" & exch & """,""" _
                & "exchange" & """:""" & Exchange & """,""" _
                & "Ttranstype" & """:""" & Ttranstype & """,""" _
                & "Ret" & """:""" & Ret & """,""" _
                & "prctyp" & """:""" & prctyp & """,""" _
                & "qty" & """:""" & CStr(MultiplierQty) & """,""" _
                & "discqty" & """:""" & discqty & """,""" _
                & "MktPro" & """:""" & MktPro & """,""" _
                & "Price" & """:""" & Price & """,""" _
                & "TrigPrice" & """:""" & TrigPrice & """,""" _
                & "Pcode" & """:""" & Pcode & """,""" _
                & "AMO" & """:""" & AMO
    If i = numofRows - 1 Then
        apidata = apidata & """}"
        apidata = apidata & """},"
    End If
apidata = apidata & "]}"

PlaceOrder = AMConnect(masterapikey, masterapisecret, Broker, Version, "PlaceMultiOrder", apidata)

Set PlaceOrderResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(PlaceOrder)

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
     If StrComp(PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("stat"), "Ok") = 0 Then
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "D").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("stat")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "E").Value = Tsym
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("NOrdNo")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F").NumberFormat = "0"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "D") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "E") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F") = "Login Error"
    End If

'check multiorder response
'Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(12, "D") = PlaceOrder

End Sub

Private Function AMConnect(api_key As String, api_secret As String, Broker As String, Version As String, api_name As String, InTD As String) As String
    Dim objHTTP As Object
    Dim result As String
    Dim postdate As String
    Dim BrkPrefix As String
    Dim BaseURL As String
    BaseURL = "https://" & LCase(Broker) & "" & Version & "/"
    postdata = "{""" & "api_key" & """:""" & api_key & """,""" _
                    & "api_secret" & """:""" & api_secret & """,""" _
                    & "data" & """:" & InTD & "}"
    'MsgBox (postdata)
    Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    Url = BaseURL & api_name
    objHTTP.Open "POST", Url, False
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/json"
    objHTTP.send (postdata)
    result = objHTTP.responseText
    Set objHTTP = Nothing
    AMConnect = result
End Function

VBA Code for Firstock

Sub FetchLogin()

Dim Broker As String
Dim Version As String
Dim uid As String
Dim apikey As String
Dim apisecret As String
Dim apidata As String
Dim segment As String
Dim Exchange As String
Dim product As String
Dim numofRows As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim Total As Long

Version = "1.0"

numofRows = Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

If numofRows = 1 Then
    Total = numofRows
    Total = numofRows - 1
End If

    For i = 0 To Total
        Broker = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "A").Value
        uid = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "B").Value
        apikey = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "C").Value
        apisecret = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "D").Value
        apidata = "{""" _
                & "uid" & """:""" & uid & """,""" _
                & "actid" & """:""" & uid & """" & "}"

        'MsgBox (apidata)
        Limits = AMConnect(apikey, apisecret, Broker, Version, "Limits", apidata)
        Set LimitsResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(Limits)
        If StrComp(LimitsResponse("stat"), "Ok") = 0 Then
            Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "F") = LimitsResponse("cash")
            Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = LimitsResponse("daycash")
            Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "H") = LimitsResponse("brkcollamt")
            Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "F") = "Login Error"
            Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "G") = "Login Error"
            Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "H") = "Login Error"
        End If

End Sub

Sub AlgomojoMulitOrder()

Dim Broker As String
Dim Version As String
Dim ClientID As String
Dim user_apikey As String
Dim api_secret As String
Dim masterapikey As String
Dim masterapisecret As String
Dim s_prdt_ali As String
Dim tsym As String
Dim exch As String
Dim trantype As String
Dim ret As String
Dim prctyp As String
Dim qty As String
Dim dscqty As String
Dim MktPro As String
Dim prc As String
Dim trgprc As String
Dim prd As String
Dim AMO As String
Dim ordersource As String
Dim remarks As String
Dim MultiplierQty As Long

Dim apidata As String
Dim numofRows As Long
Dim i As Integer

s_prdt_ali = "BO:BO||CNC:CNC||CO:CO||MIS:MIS||NRML:NRML"
MktPro = "NA"
dscqty = "0"
AMO = "NO"
ordersource = "WEB"
remarks = "EXCEL"

Broker = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "A").Value
Version = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "B").Value
masterapikey = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "D").Value
masterapisecret = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "E").Value
tsym = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "F").Value
qty = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "G").Value
trantype = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "H").Value
exch = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "I").Value
prd = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "J").Value
prctyp = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "K").Value
ret = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "L").Value
prc = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "M").Value
trgprc = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "N").Value
dscqty = Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(5, "O").Value

'clear the table contents of the display output

numofRows = Sheets("Clients").Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
apidata = "{""" & "orders" & """:" & "[ "

stgy_name = "Excel"

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
    ClientID = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "B").Value
    user_apikey = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "C").Value
    api_secret = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "D").Value
    MultiplierQty = Sheets("Clients").Cells(5 + i, "E").Value * CInt(qty)
    Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "C") = ClientID
    apidata = apidata & "{""" _
                & "order_refno" & """:""" & CStr(i + 1) & """,""" _
                & "user_apikey" & """:""" & user_apikey & """,""" _
                & "api_secret" & """:""" & api_secret & """,""" _
                & "stgy_name" & """:""" & stgy_name & """,""" _
                & "uid" & """:""" & ClientID & """,""" _
                & "actid" & """:""" & ClientID & """,""" _
                & "tsym" & """:""" & tsym & """,""" _
                & "exch" & """:""" & exch & """,""" _
                & "trantype" & """:""" & trantype & """,""" _
                & "ret" & """:""" & ret & """,""" _
                & "prctyp" & """:""" & prctyp & """,""" _
                & "qty" & """:""" & CStr(MultiplierQty) & """,""" _
                & "dscqty" & """:""" & dscqty & """,""" _
                & "MktPro" & """:""" & MktPro & """,""" _
                & "prc" & """:""" & prc & """,""" _
                & "prd" & """:""" & prd & """,""" _
                & "AMO" & """:""" & AMO & """,""" _
                & "ordersource" & """:""" & ordersource & """,""" _
                & "remarks" & """:""" & remarks
    If i = numofRows - 1 Then
        apidata = apidata & """}"
        apidata = apidata & """},"
    End If
apidata = apidata & "]}"
'MsgBox (apidata)

PlaceOrder = AMConnect(masterapikey, masterapisecret, Broker, Version, "PlaceMultiOrder", apidata)

Set PlaceOrderResponse = JsonConverter.ParseJson(PlaceOrder)

For i = 0 To numofRows - 1
     If StrComp(PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("stat"), "Ok") = 0 Then
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "D").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("stat")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "E").Value = tsym
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F").Value = PlaceOrderResponse(i + 1)("norenordno")
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F").NumberFormat = "0"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "D") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "E") = "Login Error"
        Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(16 + i, "F") = "Login Error"
    End If

'check multiorder response
'Sheets("PlaceOrder").Cells(12, "D") = PlaceOrder

End Sub

Private Function AMConnect(api_key As String, api_secret As String, Broker As String, Version As String, api_name As String, InTD As String) As String
    Dim objHTTP As Object
    Dim result As String
    Dim postdate As String
    Dim BrkPrefix As String
    Dim BaseURL As String
    BaseURL = "https://" & LCase(Broker) & "" & Version & "/"
    postdata = "{""" & "api_key" & """:""" & api_key & """,""" _
                    & "api_secret" & """:""" & api_secret & """,""" _
                    & "data" & """:" & InTD & "}"
    'MsgBox (postdata)
    Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    Url = BaseURL & api_name
    objHTTP.Open "POST", Url, False
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/json"
    objHTTP.send (postdata)
    result = objHTTP.responseText
    Set objHTTP = Nothing
    AMConnect = result
End Function


VBA Code uses VBA-JSON for Json Processing

6 thoughts on “Algomojo – Sending Simultaneous Orders to Multi Clients – ExcelSheet Module and VBA Code”

      1. sir, i am having setups to implement from trading view. having trading view premium subscription. can you team extend support to create algo

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