This Algomojo Button trading module provides 4 modes of the button to place orders with a single click directly from Amibroker using simple smart order controls.
Four Button Types
BE – Buy Entry Button – Enter longs for the selected quantity
BX – Buy Exit Button – Exit All Long Open Positions only if the Position is running long else do nothing
SE – Short Entry Button – Enter Shorts for the selected quantity
SX – Short Exit Button – Exit All Short Open Positions only if the Position is running shorts else do nothing
Supported Amibroker Version
Amibroker v6.22 or higher
Supported Broker – AngelOne
Automation Platform – Algomojo Trading Terminal
Smart Button Trading Module – Amibroker AFL Code
// Angel Broking - Smart Button Trading Module
// Developer: Algomojo
// Date: 19-Apr-2022
// Website:
//BE - Buy Entry Button
//BX - Buy Exit Button - Exit All Long Open Positions only if the Position is running longs
//SE - Short Entry Button
//SX - Short Exit Button - Exit All Short Open Positions only if the Position is running shorts
_SECTION_BEGIN("Angel Broking - Broker Controls");
Version(6.22); //Gui Function Compatibility check
RequestTimedRefresh(1, False);
broker =ParamStr("Broker","an"); //Broker Short Code - an- angel broking
ver = ParamStr("API Version ","1.0");
clnt_id = ParamStr("Client ID","xxxx"); //Enter your trading client ID
user_apikey = ParamStr("apikey","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API key here
api_secretkey = ParamStr("secretkey","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); //Enter your API secret key here
_SECTION_BEGIN("Angel Broking - Order Controls");
stgy_name = ParamStr("Strategy Name", "Test Strategy");
variety = ParamList("Variety","NORMAL|STOPLOSS|AMO",0);
tradingsymbol = ParamStr("Trading Symbol","RELIANCE-EQ");
exchange = ParamList("Exchange","NSE|NFO|BSE|MCX",0);
ordertype = ParamList("Order Type","MARKET|LIMIT|STOPLOSS_LIMIT|STOPLOSS_MARKET",0);
price = "0";
triggerprice = "0";
quantity = Param("quanity",1,0,10000);
squareoff = "0";
stoploss = "0";
trailingStopLoss = "0";
disclosedquantity = "0";
duration = "DAY";
EnableAlgo = ParamList("AlgoStatus","Disable|Enable|LongOnly|ShortOnly",0);
resp = "";
static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name;
static_name_algo = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name+"algostatus";
function GetPositionsBook()
//Creating the Trading Bridge
api_data = "{ }";
_TRACE("PositionBook API Request"+api_data);
//Sending The Broker Request for NetOpenPositions
_TRACE("PositionBook API Response : "+resp);
return resp;
function NetOpenPositions()
flag = 0;
resp = GetPositionsBook();
posNetqty =0;
for( item = 1; ( sym = StrExtract( resp, item,'{' )) != ""; item++ )
if(Strfind(sym,tradingsymbol) AND StrFind(sym,productType)) //Matches the symbol and //Matches the Order Type
flag = 1; //turn on the flag
for( jitem = 0; ( posdetails = StrExtract( sym, jitem,',' )) != ""; jitem++ )
posdetails = StrExtract(posdetails,1,':');
possym = StrTrim(posdetails,"\"");
_TRACE("\nTrading Symbol : "+possym);
posdetails = StrExtract(posdetails,1,':');
posNetqty = StrToNum(StrTrim(posdetails,"\""));
_TRACE("\nNetQty : "+posNetqty);
} //end of for loop
}//end of for loop
_TRACE("\nTrading Symbol Not Found");
posNetqty =0;
_TRACE("\nNetQty : "+posNetqty);
return posNetqty;
//Buy and Sell Order Functions
function Placeorder(TransType,orderqty)
symboltoken = "";
api_data ="{\"stgy_name\": \""+stgy_name+"\", \"variety\":\""+variety+"\", \"tradingsymbol\":\""+tradingsymbol+"\", \"symboltoken\":\""+symboltoken+"\", \"transactiontype\":\""+TransType+"\", \"exchange\":\""+exchange+"\", \"ordertype\":\""+ordertype+"\", \"producttype\":\""+producttype+"\", \"duration\":\""+duration+"\", \"price\":\""+price+"\", \"squareoff\":\""+squareoff+"\", \"stoploss\":\""+stoploss+"\", \"quantity\":\""+orderqty+"\", \"triggerprice\": \""+triggerprice+"\", \"trailingStopLoss\": \""+trailingStopLoss+"\", \"disclosedquantity\":\""+disclosedquantity+"\" }";
_TRACE("API Request"+api_data);
resp=algomojo.AMDispatcher(user_apikey, api_secretkey,"PlaceOrder",api_data,broker,ver);
_TRACE("API Response : "+resp);
_TRACE("Strategy Name : "+stgy_name+" AlgoStatus : "+ EnableAlgo);
_TRACE("Chart Symbol : "+ Name() +" Trading Symbol : "+ tradingsymbol +" qty : "+ orderqty +" Signal : Buy Signal TimeFrame : "+ Interval(2)+" ChardId : "+ GetChartID() + " LTP : "+LastValue(C));
Say( "Order Placed" );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Algo Dashboard");
static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name;
static_name_algo = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+stgy_name+"algostatus";
//StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, -1);
GfxSelectFont( "BOOK ANTIQUA", 14, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Enabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus , 20, 40);
_TRACE("Algo Status : Enabled");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 1);
if(EnableAlgo == "Disable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Disabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus , 20, 40);
_TRACE("Algo Status : Disabled");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 0);
//Button Controls
btn1_name = "BE"; //BE- Buy Entry
btn2_name = "BX"; //BX - Buy Exit - close all the open positions
btn3_name = "SE"; //SE - Short Entry
btn4_name = "SX"; //SX - Short Exit - close all the open positions
function CreateGUI( ButtonName, x, y, width, Height ) {
/// @link
/// by beaver & fxshrat
/// version 1.1
global IDset;
local id, event, clickeven;
if( typeof( IDset ) == "undefined" ) IDset = 0;
//_TRACEF( "IDset before: %g", IDset );
GuiButton( ButtonName, ++IDset, x, y, width, height, 7 );
//_TRACEF( "IDset after: %g", IDset );
result = 1; //button creation is successful
return result;
function HandleEvents()
result = 0;
id = GuiGetEvent( 0, 0 );// receiving button id
event = GuiGetEvent( 0, 1 );// receiving notifyflag
clickevent = event == 1;
BE = id == 1 && clickevent;
BX = id == 2 && clickevent;
SE = id == 3 && clickevent;
SX = id == 4 && clickevent;
result = 0;
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
if( BE AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"BuyEntry")==0 )
_TRACE("BuyEntry is pressed");
orderresponse = PlaceOrder("BUY",quantity);
result = 1;
if( BX AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"BuyExit")==0 )
_TRACE("BuyExit is pressed");
if((qty=NetOpenPositions())>0) //if long positons are open
orderresponse = PlaceOrder("SELL",qty);
result = 1;
_TRACE("No Long Positions Open");
if( SE AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"ShortEntry")==0 )
_TRACE("BShortEntry is pressed");
orderresponse = PlaceOrder("SELL",quantity);
result = 1;
if( SX AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"ShortExit")==0 )
_TRACE("ShortExit is pressed");
if((qty=NetOpenPositions())<0) //if short positons are open
orderresponse = PlaceOrder("BUY",abs(qty));
result = 1;
_TRACE("No Short Positions Open");
return result; //result = 1 - order is successfully placed, 0 - Algotrading is in disabled state or orders are not went through
}//end of function
ButtonXOffset = Param("Button X-Offset",0,50,1000,50);
ButtonYOffset = Param("Button Y-Offset",100,0,1000,50);
BuyEntry = CreateGUI( btn1_name, ButtonXOffset, ButtonYOffset, 50, 50 );
BuyExit = CreateGUI( btn2_name, ButtonXOffset+50, ButtonYOffset, 50, 50 );
ShortEntry = CreateGUI( btn3_name, ButtonXOffset , ButtonYOffset+50, 50, 50 );
ShortExit = CreateGUI( btn4_name, ButtonXOffset +50, ButtonYOffset+50, 50, 50 );
GuiSetColors( 1, 1, 2, colorGreen, colorBlack, colorGreen, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow );
GuiSetColors( 2, 2, 2, colorred, colorBlack, colorRed, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow );
GuiSetColors( 3, 3, 2, colorOrange, colorBlack, colorOrange, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow );
GuiSetColors( 4, 4, 2, colorPaleGreen, colorBlack, colorPaleGreen, colorWhite, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorRed, colorBlack, colorYellow );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Plot Candles");
SetChartOptions(0 , chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
Plot(Close,"Candle", colorDefault, styleCandle);