Two major functionalities rolled out for Angel Broking Algomojo users to take advantage of Options Order and Basket Orders which helps the quant developers to reduce their coding effort significantly and improve their trading process.

What is PlaceFNOOptionsOrder?
PlaceFNOOptionsOrder is for sending index options orders to send ATM, ITM, OTM Options Orders in Nifty, Bank Nifty , FinNifty)
Here is the sample request and response for PlaceFOOptionsOrder
For detailed information on Algomojo API’s visit the API Documentationsection
Endpoint URL :
Request example :
Response example :
"script": "BANKNIFTY01JUL2135200CE",
"orderid": "210618001112998"
Option Offset Control

one can use the offset to select the ATM, ITM,OTM Options.
What is PlaceMultiOrder?
It is a basket order to fire basket orders to single account or to multiple accounts.
Sending Basket Order to Single Account
EndPoint URL :
one can use the following messaging format to send basket orders to the same account
"orders" :
"stgy_name": "Test Strategy",
"triggerprice": "0",
"trailingStopLoss": "0",
"strg_name": "Test Strategy",
"triggerprice": "0",
"trailingStopLoss": "0",
Response example :
"status": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"errorcode": "",
"data": {
"script": "SBIN-EQ",
"orderid": "210428001357677"
"status": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"errorcode": "",
"data": {
"script": "RELIANCE-EQ",
"orderid": "210428001357678"
EndPoint URL :
one can use the following messaging format to send multi account orders for the same trading instruments
"orders" :
"stgy_name": "Test Strategy",
"triggerprice": "0",
"trailingStopLoss": "0",
"strg_name": "Test Strategy",
"triggerprice": "0",
"trailingStopLoss": "0",