New Algomojo API Functions GetQuote and FetchToken

New Algomojo API functionalities added to support the user’s requirements to automate their trading requirements and the same can be accessed via Amibroker, Metatrader, Python, c# based platforms, Excel.

For Detailed Algomojo API Documentation visit here.

Supported Brokers : Aliceblue, Tradejini, Zebu

New API Functions


This API function retrieves the Todays Open, Todays High, Todays Low, Last Traded Price , Prev Day Close, Change,52 Week High and 52 week low etc.

API End Point

Aliceblue -
Tradejini -
Zebu         -

Sample API Request

         "Exchange": "NFO",
         "Symbol": "RELIANCE-EQ"

Sample API Response

    "DecimalPrecision": 2,
    "Low": "2035.15",
    "SQty": 0,
    "openPrice": "2111.00",
    "TSymbl": "RELIANCE-EQ",
    "TotalSell": "NA",
    "yearlyLowPrice": "875.65",
    "Exp": "NA",
    "PrvClose": "2049.60",
    "vwapAveragePrice": "NA",
    "LTD": "NA",
    "yearlyHighPrice": "2369.35",
    "exchFeedTime": "0",
    "TickSize": "5",
    "Multiplier": 1,
    "optiontype": "XX",
    "TradeVolume": "0",
    "strikeprice": "00.00",
    "BRate": "00.00",
    "Change": "00.00",
    "LTP": "2049.60",
    "LTQ": "5",
    "PerChange": "00.00",
    "TotalBuy": "NA",
    "LTT": "NA",
    "companyname": "RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD",
    "stat": "Ok",
    "Ltp": "2049.60",
    "SRate": "00.00",
    "BQty": 0,
    "BodLotQty": 1,
    "Series": "EQ",
    "High": "2115.35"

2)Get Token

This API Function retrieves the trading symbol token value which helps user to access the token in order to send Bracket order and Modify Pending Limit Orders/Stop Orders

API EndPoint

Aliceblue -
Tradejini -
Zebu        -

Sample API Request

           "s": "USDINR21JANFUT"

Sample API Response

    "stat": "Ok",
    "token": "1814",
    "symbol": "USDINR",
    "trading_symbol": "USDINR21JANFUT"

Let me know in comments if in case any specific API is required for automating your trades using Algomojo.

8 thoughts on “New Algomojo API Functions GetQuote and FetchToken”

  1. Does Getquote work only during live market hours, we are trying to test this functionality on weekend and receiving “Invalid Session” … other functionalities are working

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