Algomojo, a leading Algotrading platform for DIY traders, is excited to announce that it is now open to 5Paisa users. This partnership aims to provide seamless access to a comprehensive Algotrading platform for 5paisa’s extensive user base, enabling them to manage their trading positions both manually and automatically.

Algomojo simplifies Algo trading for traders by integrating end-to-end solutions including trade execution, API libraries, and supportive platforms into one marketplace. With the platform now available to 5paisa users, they can access a range of Algomojo-supported trade execution platforms such as Amibroker, Metatrader, Tradingview, Excel, Python, and more.
About 5 Paisa
5paisa is an India-based discount brokerage firm offering low-cost, technology-driven trading and investment services. As a subsidiary of IIFL Holdings Limited, they provide a user-friendly trading platform for stocks, mutual funds, insurance, and more. Their mission is to make investing easy, fast, and cost-effective for everyone.
Traders who open a trading account via Algomojo with partner brokers, including 5paisa, will benefit from free API access and platform fees, along with the ability to choose their preferred broking plan. Algomojo also offers a 7-day free trial for non-Algomojo clients to test the platform before committing to a subscription.
Algomojo’s integration with 5paisa provides users with numerous features such as watchlists, order books, trade books, position books, one-click square-off, and a dashboard to track funds, positions, orders, holdings, and MTM profit/loss. The platform also incorporates a common API structure, allowing traders to build applications once and reuse them across multiple brokers.
This collaboration between Algomojo and 5paisa demonstrates a commitment to providing innovative, high-quality trading services to investors. As both companies continue to prioritize customer satisfaction and success, this partnership marks a significant step forward in the trading industry.
What is Algomojo Arrow API
Arrow API is meant to build faster and more innovative trading applications/Algo trading modules. Retail traders can use the API to build their own trading modules on top of Algomojo, or they can use the plug-and-play trading modules built on top of Arrow API.

Features of Algomojo Arrow API
1)Place Regular Orders
2)Place Smart Orders
3)Place Large Split Orders
4)Place FNO Options Orders
5)Place Multiple Basket Order
6)Squareoff All Orders
7)Cancel All Pending Orders
8)Retrieve Orderbook, Tradebook, Positionbook
9)Get Fund , Margin details
10)Get Real-time stock/index/futures quote

Algomojo Supported Trade Execution Platforms
1. Amibroker
2. Metatrader 4
3. Metatrader 5
4. Excel, Google Spreadsheets
5. Python
5. Tradingview
6. Microsoft Power Automation
7. C# based applications
8. Any custom programs that support Rest API
Login into Algomojo Platform with 5paisa Credentials
Now goto and enter your client ID and password, TOTP, and press sign-in.
Algomojo Main Dashboard

Create Algomojo API from My API section

use these API Key & API Secret keys to send orders from the Algomojo supported Trading platforms.
6)Download the Multi Broker Bridge for Algomojo and Install the Multi-Broker Bridge as per the instructions
What is the Overall Cost Involved in Algomojo?
Traders opening a trading account via Algomojo with our partner brokers will be enjoying Free API + Free Platform Fee under both Discount Broking (Rs20 per order) or whatever the broking plan our partner broker offers).
Here is the List of Cost Involved while deploying Algos
1)Trading API Cost: Free (For Algomojo Account Opening Clients)
2)Algomojo Platform Fee: Free (For Algomojo Account Opening Clients)
3)Strategy Cost: Traders are recommended to come up with their own trading strategies. If in case looking for sample codes then free strategies can be downloaded from the Algomojo Library
4)Supportive Platforms: Amibroker, Metatrader, Tradingview, Excel, C#, Python, Any Platforms that Supports Rest-HTTP APIs
5)Broking Charges: All F&O and equity trades would continue to be charged at Rs 20 or 0.01% according to your broking plan with our partner Broker and there are no restrictions on choosing your broking plan with partner broker. Irrespective of the broking plan Algomojo clients will enjoy Unlimited & Lifetime free access to Trading API and Algomojo Platform.
6)End to End Integration/Chat Support: Free.

View Demat Holdings

Features of Algomojo
- All-in-One Trading Platform: Algomojo is a web-based automated trading platform built on the brokers API with a minimalistic design built by traders for the traders. It provides all-in-one solutions for manual/automated trade execution, API library, trade execution modules, and end-to-end support at one single marketplace.
- Multiple Trade Execution Platforms: Algomojo supports trade execution platforms such as Amibroker, Metatrader 4, Metatrader 5, Excel, Google Spreadsheets, Python, Tradingview, Microsoft Power Automation, C# based applications, and any custom programs that support Rest API.
- Simplified Algo Trading: Algomojo helps traders to simplify their algo trading and makes life easier for them.
- Free API Access: Traders opening a trading account via Algomojo with their partner brokers will enjoy Free API + Free Platform Fee under both Discount Broking (Rs20 per order) or whatever the broking plan their partner broker offers.
- Dashboard to Track Funds, Positions, Orders, Holdings & MTM Profit/Loss: Algomojo has a dashboard that allows traders to track their funds, positions, orders, holdings, and MTM profit/loss.
- One Click Square-Off: Algomojo provides the option of one-click to square off all the open position.
- Orderbook, Tradebook, Positionbook: Algomojo provides traders with access to orderbook, tradebook, and positionbook.
- Watchlist: Algomojo has a watchlist feature that allows traders to monitor multiple scripts across the exchanges NSE, BSE, CDS, MCX.
- Smart Order Controls: Algomojo provides smart order functionality that helps traders to place orders based on the current position book. The PlaceSmartOrder matches intelligently match the position book via external position sizing controls. This helps traders to build more intelligent trading systems faster.
- Simplified API Documentation: Algomojo has simplified API documentation based on feedback from Algomojo traders, simplifying their development needs and helping developers to understand the API structure in a clear format.
- Common API Structure: Algomojo has a common API structure so that traders can easily connect their trading systems to multiple brokers without having to change their code.
- Intelligent Split Order Controls: Algomojo provides split order controls across PlaceOrder, PlaceSmartOrder, PlaceMultiOrder, and PlaceFNOOptionsOrder API functionalities that simplify the execution of larger orders into smaller packets and executes faster.
- Multi-Client Order Controls: Algomojo allows traders to trade across multiple brokers, and in one go, they can send large amounts of orders to multiple brokers, without compensating for spending a huge time in building trading applications.
Manual Orders
One can place manual orders (Intraday, Delivery) and currently supports Limit Orders, Market Orders, Bracket Orders, Cover Orders.

AlgoMojo API
Algomojo comes with an inbuilt API that also supports existing clients of partner brokers with 7 days of free trial enabled by default.
Algomojo offers Free API + Free Trading Platform to algomojo users to Place, Modify, Cancel Orders. Currently, Algomojo API is free for users who are opening a trading account with Algomojo Partner Brokers. Free API platform + Free Algo Trading platform is offered with no upfront fees, no minimum turnover, no special terms and conditions, no clauses, no strings attached.
My API Log
My API Log is provided to verify the timestamp and audit the difference between the executed trades and generated live signals in the trading software.
Note : Order log captures the trade execution in realtime and shows only orders which are sent via Automated Trading Platforms. All the Orders Placed, Cancelled, Modified, SquaredoffAllPositions, Exiting Bracket Orders & Cover orders can be tracked from here. One can also download the logs in Excel format and use it for later trade audit purpose. Only trades executed via API (i.e via tools like amibroker, tradingview, python, excel etc can be tracked in the MyAPI Log section.
OrderBook : From the Orderbook one can get both the status(pending, executed, rejected) of manually punched orders and trading software-generated orders.
TradeBook : Tradebook shows executed orders.
Positions: Any open positions can be viewed in the positions section. One button square off is provided to close all the open positions and also positions can be closed on the symbol selection basis.
Positions also display intraday and position MTM.
Demat account holdings can be viewed and managed under the holdings section.
Strategy Library
Traders are recommended to come up with their own trading strategies. If in case looking for sample codes then free strategies can be downloaded from the Algomojo Library
End to End Integration Support
One can get end-to-end integration support to configure, test & deploy trading strategies.
The following end-to-end support will be provided to the algomojo clients.
1)Integration of Algomojo Bridge for Autotrading.
2)Integration of Datafeed (Amibroker, Ninjatrader, Excel etc)
3)Integration of Windows VPS Servers.
3)Testing and Deploying the Trading Strategies.
And also in case, the trader needs a custom trading strategy to be coded in Amibroker/Metatrader/Tradingview then On-demand Freelancing support will be provided to onboard the client with their custom design strategies.
AlgoMojo API Documentation
AlgoMojo Arrow API documentation is comprehensive to know about the various functionalities supported by the trading platform. It helps traders to build their own execution logic.