Author name: Algomojo

How to Squareoff All OpenPositions using Tradingview – Automation Tutorial

One of the most demanded requests from Tradingview-based automated traders is how to square-off all open positions when a particular time is reached. There is a simple workaround for Algomojo users to implement square-off all open positions using Tradingview Pinescript. Tradingview Pinescript Code to Squareoff All Open Positions Steps to Squareoff All Open Positions 1)Open …

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Python Multi-Broker Library for Algomojo – Trade Automation

Algomojo Python library facilitates the development of trading algorithms using the Algomojo Free API and Free Algo Trading Platform. The library supports both REST-API interfaces and provides features such as real-time order execution, smartorder execution, placing options orders, placing multi orders, order modification/cancellation, and access to order book, trade book, open positions, orderstatus, position square-off functionalities, getquotes, profile and fund details.

Sending Futures/Spot – Signals to Two-Legged Options Execution Module – Tradingview Pinescript Module

Thought of making an open-source Tradingview Pinescript code demanded by most of the option traders to control the cost, control the risk, and configure the two-legged option trading strategy of their choice with slicing larger orders feature. So here is a two-legged options execution Tradingview module for the Algomojo trading platform where users can configure modules on top of their own trading logic to convert any spot/futures signals into 9 types of two-legged options execution modules.

Sending Smart Futures/Spot – Signals to Two-Legged Options Execution Module – Amibroker AFL Code

Thought of making an open source AFL code demanded by most of the option traders to control the cost, to control the risk, and to configure the two-legged option trading strategy of their choice with smart order execution functionality and provision to slice larger orders. So here is a two-legged options execution Amibroker module for the Algomojo trading platform where users can simply drag and drop the module on top of their own trading logic to convert any spot/futures signals into 9 types of two-legged options execution module.