How to Send Cover Orders from Tradingview to Algomojo Platform
This tutorial helps you to understand how to send cover orders from the Tradingview platform using the webhook method to Algomojo Trading Platform.
This tutorial helps you to understand how to send cover orders from the Tradingview platform using the webhook method to Algomojo Trading Platform.
New Algomojo API functionalities added to support the user’s requirements to automate their trading requirements and the same can be accessed via Amibroker, Metatrader, Python, c# based platforms, Excel.
This tutorial focus on how to automate your index straddle/strangle strategy with intraday stop-loss levels with time-based entry and exits using Algomojo Platform and Amibroker.
This tutorial focus on how to automate your positional buy and sell signal ideas with Hedged Index Futures to reduce your trading margin significantly.
This tutorial provides you a basic framework for sending multi-legged options module and how to exit the multi-legged option module using a simple button trading based example. However, this module can be extended to trade any sort of neutral trading strategy using Amibroker.
This tutorial helps you to understand the options trading module and the requirements to set up and send and exit option orders from Amibroker in a systematic way. This coding framework provides the basic foundation to entry and exit option order from Amibroker for Algomojo Trading Platform